Thursday, February 19, 2009 

Silly me

Reading a ghost story with no one home to protect me.

Saturday, February 14, 2009 


Valentine's Day doesn't really register around here, with Ry claiming it's a made-up holiday and me still cynical from many years of being single. We spend most of our time together anyways, and Ry is so good to me, everyday could be Valentine's day. Instead of going out for an expensive dinner tonight we're going to go to the tea festival this afternoon. I went last year and got all hopped up on caffeine (remember Dave?) and am looking forward to all the free samples again. Hope everybody finds a way to spend some time with someone you love!

Sunday, February 08, 2009 

Quiet weekend

We are having a some-what quiet weekend around here. Friday involved a visit to the Naturopath where she prescribes more vitamins. I look like a compounding pharmacy these days. Who knows if it's working? Then, I attempt cake balls, even though red velvet cake doesn't exist in Canada. I am now overcome with the desire to try it. Nighttime brings Sushi at Ebizo with two birthday girls (hence the cake balls, which go over spectacularly) and more tempura than I can eat.

Saturday we putter. Ry reads for midterms. I knit. And knit. Then I nap. I am turning into a 70 year old. I make dinner, paella, my new specialty. We get groceries. Still following me? Sorry, cake balls are exciting as I get this weekend.

Today more puttering. More cake balls tonight for my Aunt's birthday. Family dinner with everybody. Tomorrow, back to work.

Monday, February 02, 2009 


Monday nights Ry has class which means my personal chef doesn't have dinner prepared for me. Well, actually, he usually has leftovers ready, but on occasion I am left to my own devices. Swanson's meat pies are a staple from my childhood, when Mom and Dad were too tired to make dinner after work. Dad always got beef, the rest of us had chicken or turkey, but my preference for beef has grown. It's not pretty, and I don't want to know what's in it (my guess is not much real beef) but it hits the spot after only five minutes in the microwave! Bon Appetite!

Sunday, February 01, 2009 

Brightening up my Sunday

Here's what's making my grey day brighter:

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