Sunday, September 27, 2009 

Spread the Swine

Sorry in advance for getting you addicted.

Saturday, September 26, 2009 

Postcards from the past

Ry has been helping clean his grandparent's house out and they've found a lot of treasures! The place could really be an antique store. Everything has some connection to his family though, so we're hanging onto our favorite finds.

This is an old postcard collection book.

There's an inscription inside: 1904.

And one of the postcards from Kamloops. Kinda makes it look like a nice place doesn't it?

The stamp on the back has King George. One cent, the postmark is 1914.

Here are some Christmas cards:

Victoria's Inner Harbour. Note the absence of the lower causeway!
This is my favorite. Apparently they thought we would be catching cab rides to the moon in these fancy space mobiles.

Sunday, September 20, 2009 

Noteworthy music

I am an avid fan of CBC radio2. It wakes me up and I listen to it all day at work. The best part of it is that I know all these great Canadian bands and artists and nothing about Lady GaGa. Whoever she is. Here are my faves right now:

Melissa McClelland
Beautiful voice. My favorite songs right now are Victoria Day and A Girl Can Dream

Royal Wood
Just listen to this song and try not to become a fan!
Here more of Royal at:

Basia Bulat
One of the most unique Canadian voices since Feist.
Check out her song Snakes and Ladders

Great Lake Swimmers
This is the next great Canadian band. You heard it here!
Pulling On A Line is my favorite of theirs.

Happy listening!


End of summer garden

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 

I want candy!

It's no secret I see a naturopath. I like the detailed attention I get as compared to the 70 year old locum Doctor my GP has covering for her most of the time. Last time he full on admitted he "hadn't done this in some time". Great, well. Maybe I'm rethinking this exam. I digress. Last visit to the Naturopath she asked me how much refined sugar I ate. I thought about what I had eaten already that day. A piece of apple pie. Homemade root beer. Half a rice krispie square. And it was only three o'clock. I could only smile sheepishly at her. "How about you try to cut it out of your diet for the next month and we'll see how different you feel at your next visit" she suggested. Now, I like goals and I like challenges. I left there thinking "YEAH! Ok, no prob. No more sweets. No more.....cake. No more.........chocolate?" Then all the delicious baked goods I had planned to make with my summer's worth of berry storage flashed before my eyes. I had no idea how addicted I was until I started to crave something sweet after dinner. I tried to shove the urge aside and ignore the whispers of the chocolate chip mint ice cream in my freezer. Then, I made Ry eat it so I wouldn't be tempted. Maybe I had a spoonful. It can be dangerous to quit cold turkey you know?This week I have ignored the cookies my coworker brought in. I ignored the chocolate bar that the paper delivery guy brought. I ignored the desire to make something gooey, sticky and sublime from my blackberries. Instead I'm eating a lot of plain fruit. I know it's good for me, and I know my body is reacting to this because I have Mt. St. Helen's pimple currently. I'm not even a week in yet, but I'm determined to make it! Now, I have to go look up some recipes for banana-flax muffins.

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