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Sunday, March 08, 2009 


Well, I'm officially sick of learning about teeth. Three days spent in conference rooms with 11,000 other Dental professionals equals ENOUGH!!! Luckily L+R distracted me with some delicious Robson sushi just long enough to keep my mind off of all things work. Vancouver displayed itself wonderfully this year. Usually it snows, but it held off until we got to the ferry and there was more at home than there was on the mainland. However, it was FREEZING in Van, but that gave me the opportunity to wear this:

It took me about one month to complete this. Probably would have been less if I hadn't had to go back and correct so many mistakes. It was warm and cozy and well worth the effort.

Tonight I'm plotting my next knitting adventures and trying to get ready for my busy week. Friday afternoon I leave for London, so all laundry, cooking etc, must be done before then!

I love that sweater, as I've already commented. And you're more than welcome to come for sushi distraction whenever your heart desires. I'm still thinking about how delicious those california rolls were...

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