Saturday, April 18, 2009 

Date Night Derailed

Tonight was supposed to be Date Night to celebrate the end of another semester (one more to go!) but I am down with an annoying head cold that's left me wrapped up in bed all day. Instead we ordered in Chinese and watched Corner Gas reruns on the Comedy Network website. Just as good I say!

Friday, April 10, 2009 

Royal Roads Break-in

Today because it wasn't raining and it was our last day with wheels, I made Ry drive out to Royal Roads. I haven't been there for years, but it's so pretty in the spring. We're going back in the summer to, maybe with a picnic lunch. We had to sneak in through a side gate today since the grounds were closed due to Good Friday. We're such rebels.
One day I want a woodland stream running through my yard.
This peacock had his eye on my man! Back off bird!
The Japanese Gardens would be a lovely setting for a wedding.

Sunday, April 05, 2009 

Mt Work hike

Having a vehicle this weekend, we hit the hills. I'm never happier than when I'm in the forest!

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