Weekend roundup
Highlights include:
-Run with Finley
-Reading "Three Cups of Tea", discovering a new personal hero
-Listening to CBC's new Saturday morning show
-Seeing an Imax
-French toast with bananas and strawberries
-Holding our friends' baby girls for the first time
-Getting a frame for my 'New" (6 months old) poster via Alyssa via Ikea
-A sunny spot in the bedroom

-Run with Finley
-Reading "Three Cups of Tea", discovering a new personal hero
-Listening to CBC's new Saturday morning show
-Seeing an Imax
-French toast with bananas and strawberries
-Holding our friends' baby girls for the first time
-Getting a frame for my 'New" (6 months old) poster via Alyssa via Ikea
-A sunny spot in the bedroom