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Sunday, February 08, 2009 

Quiet weekend

We are having a some-what quiet weekend around here. Friday involved a visit to the Naturopath where she prescribes more vitamins. I look like a compounding pharmacy these days. Who knows if it's working? Then, I attempt cake balls, even though red velvet cake doesn't exist in Canada. I am now overcome with the desire to try it. Nighttime brings Sushi at Ebizo with two birthday girls (hence the cake balls, which go over spectacularly) and more tempura than I can eat.

Saturday we putter. Ry reads for midterms. I knit. And knit. Then I nap. I am turning into a 70 year old. I make dinner, paella, my new specialty. We get groceries. Still following me? Sorry, cake balls are exciting as I get this weekend.

Today more puttering. More cake balls tonight for my Aunt's birthday. Family dinner with everybody. Tomorrow, back to work.

Red Vevelt Cake balls you say? Can I come over?

[sigh] Sushi... can't have sashimi, or spicy tuna cones, but pass the tempura!

There's nothing wrong with quiet weekends. I had one myself. :)

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