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Saturday, March 21, 2009 

Travel delirium

London was wonderful. What a great city. I feel like I need another week to recover. Getting home was way more complicated than I would have liked. Here's the rundown:

8 AM GMT: Wake up to find Dad ready to go, even though we'd agreed to leave at 9:30
11 AM GMT: Get to Heathrow early, wait three hours for flight
2-11 PM GMT: 9 sleepless hours on flight. 3 movies, 2 TV shows later
5 PST: Worst airplane landing ever
5-7:45: 2.5 hours in Seattle worrying about tossing my cookies on the next turbulent flight
7:45- 8:30: Next flight doesn't have any turbulence
9 PM: Starving......selectively ate airplane food, ate all my packed snacks, hotel has no room service!!
2 AM: Delirium sets in. I am trapped in a tube station. Must get to Victoria.
2-6 AM: Convince myself I am not trapped in tube station. Prevent myself from eating my arm in hunger.
6:30: AM: Continental breakfast starts!!!
7:45 AM: Missed ferry shuttle by two minutes. Two more hours in Vancouver airport.
11 AM: On the ferry, thank GOD!!!
4:30: Writing this, still probably delirious.

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I had similar experiences on my way back from London as well, including the missing-of-the-ferry-shuttle.

Welcome home! And I can't wait for the pics. :)

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