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Tuesday, December 30, 2008 

Meme from Lindsay

So, you want to know random things about me eh? Hmmmm........

1. Despite crippling childhood shyness, I loved acting in our school plays. My biggest role was Wicked Witch of the West in a version of the Wizard of Oz. To this day I actually love public speaking.

2. I am never lonely.

3. I have two birthmarks, one on my right leg and one on my right shoulder. When I got my tattoo I purposely put it on the right side so it would line up.

4. I met my boyfriend online.

5. Root canals are my favorite procedure to assist for. Always have been. Dentures are my least favorite.

6. I have never broken a bone or been seriously hurt. Knock on wood. The worst injury I ever had was hitting my finger with a hammer and having it split open. But that didn't even require stitches.

7. I can't stand belly-dancing.

Lindsay tagged the same people I would have, so Lindy is the only one I can rely on!

Thanks for playing along. As for #3- lining them up, if that's not OCD, I don't know what is! ;) Love you!

Oh, I can't stand belly-dancing either! My dad always tells the story of a restaurant we went to in Vancouver when i was about 8, and the belly-dancer coerced my Dad into joining her... it is a very vivid and mortifying memory to this day...

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