Tuesday, March 31, 2009 

Look at these!

Oh, if I had any artistic talent I'd attempt these cookies in a heartbeat!Check out the New York Bakery here to see their other designs. So cute!

Monday, March 30, 2009 


I'm having a lot of fun knitting this:

It's enough pattern to keep me thinking whilst knitting, but simple enough. I wasn't sure about the yarn, not being the right weight, but I really like it. I like the silkiness of it and it's slightly shiny too. It pulls into strands easily though if you have to go back and rip stitches. Go here for Ravelry link.


I'm only human

I'm mad at myself today. I have been coveting this for almost a year now and finally decided I would buy it on ebay instead of paying full price in the store. Except I did pay as much as full price for it and that wasn't the idea.

I also drank too much tea before bed last night and had to get up about 5 times. I don't even know why I drink tea, it doesn't hang around long! I also went to bed hungry and had to get up to eat a banana in the middle of the night.

Minor transgressions, I know.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 

British humour

Our wonderful Yeoman Warder at the Tower of London. When he asked who was from Australia in the group a young woman raised her hand. He then said:
"Ah, Australia. A country known for it's rugby players and beautiful woman"
Long pause as he stares adoringly at her.
"What position do you play then, love?"

Saturday, March 21, 2009 

Travel delirium

London was wonderful. What a great city. I feel like I need another week to recover. Getting home was way more complicated than I would have liked. Here's the rundown:

8 AM GMT: Wake up to find Dad ready to go, even though we'd agreed to leave at 9:30
11 AM GMT: Get to Heathrow early, wait three hours for flight
2-11 PM GMT: 9 sleepless hours on flight. 3 movies, 2 TV shows later
5 PST: Worst airplane landing ever
5-7:45: 2.5 hours in Seattle worrying about tossing my cookies on the next turbulent flight
7:45- 8:30: Next flight doesn't have any turbulence
9 PM: Starving......selectively ate airplane food, ate all my packed snacks, hotel has no room service!!
2 AM: Delirium sets in. I am trapped in a tube station. Must get to Victoria.
2-6 AM: Convince myself I am not trapped in tube station. Prevent myself from eating my arm in hunger.
6:30: AM: Continental breakfast starts!!!
7:45 AM: Missed ferry shuttle by two minutes. Two more hours in Vancouver airport.
11 AM: On the ferry, thank GOD!!!
4:30: Writing this, still probably delirious.

Sunday, March 08, 2009 


Well, I'm officially sick of learning about teeth. Three days spent in conference rooms with 11,000 other Dental professionals equals ENOUGH!!! Luckily L+R distracted me with some delicious Robson sushi just long enough to keep my mind off of all things work. Vancouver displayed itself wonderfully this year. Usually it snows, but it held off until we got to the ferry and there was more at home than there was on the mainland. However, it was FREEZING in Van, but that gave me the opportunity to wear this:

It took me about one month to complete this. Probably would have been less if I hadn't had to go back and correct so many mistakes. It was warm and cozy and well worth the effort.

Tonight I'm plotting my next knitting adventures and trying to get ready for my busy week. Friday afternoon I leave for London, so all laundry, cooking etc, must be done before then!

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