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Wednesday, September 16, 2009 

I want candy!

It's no secret I see a naturopath. I like the detailed attention I get as compared to the 70 year old locum Doctor my GP has covering for her most of the time. Last time he full on admitted he "hadn't done this in some time". Great, well. Maybe I'm rethinking this exam. I digress. Last visit to the Naturopath she asked me how much refined sugar I ate. I thought about what I had eaten already that day. A piece of apple pie. Homemade root beer. Half a rice krispie square. And it was only three o'clock. I could only smile sheepishly at her. "How about you try to cut it out of your diet for the next month and we'll see how different you feel at your next visit" she suggested. Now, I like goals and I like challenges. I left there thinking "YEAH! Ok, no prob. No more sweets. No more.....cake. No more.........chocolate?" Then all the delicious baked goods I had planned to make with my summer's worth of berry storage flashed before my eyes. I had no idea how addicted I was until I started to crave something sweet after dinner. I tried to shove the urge aside and ignore the whispers of the chocolate chip mint ice cream in my freezer. Then, I made Ry eat it so I wouldn't be tempted. Maybe I had a spoonful. It can be dangerous to quit cold turkey you know?This week I have ignored the cookies my coworker brought in. I ignored the chocolate bar that the paper delivery guy brought. I ignored the desire to make something gooey, sticky and sublime from my blackberries. Instead I'm eating a lot of plain fruit. I know it's good for me, and I know my body is reacting to this because I have Mt. St. Helen's pimple currently. I'm not even a week in yet, but I'm determined to make it! Now, I have to go look up some recipes for banana-flax muffins.

The thought of giving up sweets makes me panic! I'm so glad I don't have GD!! :)

Good luck with this challenge! If there is anyone with the will power to do this, it's you! :)

those pictures look sooo good. You are so strong. Dustin and I haven't been as good as I would like to admit on our chocolate anti-slavery resolves as I would like to admit. Thank goodness we had already bought tons of brownie mixes BEFORE making that resolve, but we're still not good. We (especially Dustin) love to make desserts. Last night he said it was my turn so I made tons of good cookies. He loved the one cookie he ate, said he had heart burn, and we gave the rest away. That's what usually happens if not always.

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