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Thursday, June 25, 2009 

June is almost over

Wow, what a month! Here we are, almost at the end of it and though it went fast, it almost seems like forever since the start of it. We celebrated great things this month like my birthday! Spent at the beach and then dinner at the parent's with family and friends. We celebrated Nick's birthday one week later with beer can badminton (I hear it's making an olympic bid). This week we celebrated Ry's 30th with dinner again with all his friends. We've gone to the beach, hike, ridden our bikes, gone to the Heritage Acres and ridden on small trains. That's the good.

The bad is really bad. Last Saturday I lost my uncle suddenly. He had been sick but it was still a shock. Tomorrow we leave for Powell River to be with my family for a few days. I cannot tell you what a great man my uncle was. He may not have done grand things in his life, but he loved and was loved and could tell a great story. No family gathering will be the same without his booming laugh. His death has made me pause a lot this week; to look out the window, to stare at my flowers, to care a little less about something trivial. Because in the end being happy is all that matters.

Oh C, I'm so sad to hear this! (((HUGS))) I was wondering about your comment on fb. Call me when you get back and we'll catch up.

Take care and I hope the trip to PR goes well. Be safe and know I'm thinking of you.

Aww Claire, The loss of loved ones is hard to explain to those that haven't felt the emptiness. Although in retrospect, the glow of time highlights old memories bringing sweet peace and reflection.
It is my firm belief that those who go before us, are never truly gone. Living on in a world of light, enjoying and appreciating the many things we only glimpse while we are here.
Enjoy your time as a family in Powell River, you will remember it, so make it a happy memory.

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